Why & when do I need to look for an ERP or Business Management system?

Posted on November 06, 2015

1. Your Business needs are outstripping your capability

A BMS can help business owners manage their growing company. You need scalability, flexibilty, reportability and functionality. BMS software will support and streamline your company's growth , if you stay with what you have and you know it won't cope, start looking...

2. The little inefficiencies are now adding up

Chances are that there are more efficient ways to accomplish many of your business tasks. Tech moves fast, and the loss of efficient processes is a hidden cost, especially for non-cloud software.

If you have an outdated BMS system, it redirects resources into maintenance instead of allowing you to focus that money and energy on solving real problems.

3. Customer needs aren’t being met

Customers, suppliers and partners expect direct access to billing, shipping and inventory data. They don’t want to call someone to get this information and business owners don’t want to generate unnecessary customer service calls.

Older systems sometimes aren’t designed for multiple user access and may be less customer-service oriented. An BMS solution can provide instant, anywhere access with real-time information. If you’re not providing that business value, your competitors might have an edge on you.

4. Your Suppliers are getting more difficult to manage

You seem to have increasing issues with what to order, when and who. Is it what I want , is it the right buy price, they want it in different formats, has it been delivered on time, the list goes on ...

5. Your workplace dynamics are changing

Today’s business's are often working with employees or whole branches in remote locations, due to a whole range of factors. Operating with a business model that cannot communicate between these location is simply not an option anymore.

6. Employees are now more mobile and information has to be also.

Leveraging the potential of this office without walls, more and more of the workforce is doing work from mobile devices on the road, using tablets, laptops and phones. A cloud-based BMS solution turns this mobility into a distinct business advantage by providing a unified experience from the office, to home, to mobile, and wherever. The cloud gives you a certain scalability as you add employees – anywhere in the world.

7. Need access to real-time information for decision making

If you have to dig around for the latest information, it slows down decision-making and restricts problem-solving capacity. With the business intelligence capabilities available in today’s data-driven business environment, it’s going to be absolutely essential to add the value of interpretation and valuation to that data in form that makes sense. You will need to know what parts of your business are working well and what aren’t – and you need to know faster than previously.

If you’re a business owner looking for a way to really make an impact in your overheads, scalability and growth potential, consider the move to BM / ERP software. With the time and efficiency gains you’ll see, you’ll be able to focus to critical growth goals.

Tags: Business Management, BMS